1) You ______ drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. a) have to b) can c) can't d) must e) mustn't f) don't have to 2) Eating mangoes _____ help you feel calm. a) have to b) mustn't c) can't d) must e) don't have to f) can 3) You ___ skip meals! It's really bad for you. a) can't b) can c) must d) have to e) don't have to f) doesn't have to 4) I ____ understand the text. It doesn't make sense. a) mustn't b) must c) can't d) can e) have to f) doesn't have to 5) Mark ____ study hard if he wants to pass the text. a) must b) mustn't c) has to d) doesn't have to e) can f) can't 6) You ____ come to the gym if you don't want to. a) have to b) has to c) don't has not to d) don't have to e) must f) mustn't


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