1) You ___ rake leaves, it´s my chore. a) can´t b) don´t have to c) mustn´t  2) Our children ___ play board games every evening, it´s not a problem. a) must b) can c) have 3) As every employee, I ___ follow company policy and rules. a) must b) have to c) can 4) We ___ wear face masks when we are in the car alone. a) can´t b) mustn´t c) don´t have to 5) She ___ style her hair herself so you ___ help her. a) can, doesn´t have to b) cans, must c) can, don´t have to 6) Hockey players ___ use different brands of ice hockey sticks. a) can b) doesn´t have to c) has to 7) Public ___ go to gyms during lockdown, we __ watch sports only on TV. a) mustn´t , can´t b) mustn´t, can c) doesn´t have to, must 8) My son is a worrier, the light ___ be on when he goes sleeping. a) has to b) can c) must 9) Look at the ice on the car. It ___ be very cold outside. a) has to b) have to c) must 10) I ___ talk about the problem in peace easily, it really makes me angry. a) don´t have to b) can´t c) mustn´t 11) The system keeps breaking down, we ___ rearrange that completely. a) has to b) must c) have to 12) He ___ speak English perfectly, he ___ be a native speaker. a) can, must b) cans, has to be c) can, has to 13) We ___ do washing up, we ___ use our dishwasher. a) can´t, can b) don´t have to, can c) mustn´t, can 14) His son ___ play ice hockey in this team but he ____ train hard. a) can, must b) can, can c) must, can 15) I ___ still play tennis well but I ___ warm-up well before the game. a) can, have to b) can, must c) can´t, must

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