pharmacist - a person who fills your prescription, OTC (Over the Counter Medicine) - drugs that you don't need a prescription for , Prescription medication - drugs you need a special note from your doctor to take, pharmacy - a specialized drug store, prescription - a note your doctor writes for potent drugs, natural medicine - medicines made from plants , home remedy - items/substances in your home that help with healing a health problem, refill - to fill a medication more than once, antihistamine - a medicine for allergies, cough syrup - helps with cold and cough symptoms, symptoms - body responses to an issue, allergic reaction - reaction or problem related to taking medicine, antibiotics - used for bacterial infection, dosage - how much to take over a period of time, drug warning - precautions for using a drug, capsule - long pill with powder in it, gel capsule - pill with liquid in it, tablet - hard pill, bandaid - to cover small cuts or wounds, active ingredients - strong ingredients in a medicine, expiration date - use the medication before this time,

Pharmacy and Natural Medicine


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