1) In which region or area did you live in in your country of origin? What is it like? 2) If a visitor came to your home town for a few days, what would you show them? 3) If a visitor came to visit you in New Zealand, what would you show them? 4) What is your favourite website for travel information? 5) How do you usually book your travel and accommodation? 6) In which other countries have you travelled? Which was your favourite? 7) Have you ever had any bad travel experiences or holiday disasters? 8) In the countries you visited, where were the most friendly people? And the least? 9) Where have you travelled in your country of origin? What destinations would you recommend? 10) What sort of holidays did you have as a child? 11) Have you ever taken a guided tour? Where and why? 12) Where was the most educational place you have been? 13) Where would you like to travel to in the future? What are your holiday plans? 14) Has the Covid-19 pandemic changed our attitudes to travel? 15) Would you agree that travel broadens your mind? Why/why not? 16) What kind of accommodation do you like best when travelling? Where is the nicest place you have ever stayed? 17) What is your favourite mode of transport when travelling? 18) What kind of activities do you enjoy most when travelling? 19) Have you ever travelled by yourself? What was it like? 20) What is the key to a successful holiday? 21) What is a sightseeing experience or tour that you remember with pleasure? 22) What is your favourite activity or pastime to do when you travel? 23) What is the first thing you do when you get into a new holiday destination? Do you like to head out and explore, or do you prefer to unpack and settle in first? 24) Do you like to plan ahead for holidays, or do you prefer to just turn up somewhere and stay on if you like it?

Travelling and holidays - Conversation questions


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