1) miejsce a) buy b) next to c) place d) cross the road 2) prosto a) straight on b) turn left c) behind d) next to 3) przejście dla pieszych a) Be careful b) Can I have a sandwich, please? c) look right d) zebra crossing 4) spójrz w lewo a) opposite b) Between c) Look left d) stop 5) Nie przechodź a) go b) Don't cross! c) turn left d) Here you are. 6) Chodźmy a) Be careful b) straight on c) Let's go! d) opposite 7) Bądź ostrożny a) stop b) How much is the book? c) Be careful d) Look left 8) kupować a) buy b) Between c) Be careful d) It's 11 pounds 9) Ile kosztuje książka? a) How much is the book? b) straight on c) stop d) Here you are. 10) To kosztuje 11 funtów a) It's 11 pounds b) in front of c) Don't cross! d) Look left 11) Czy mogę prosić o kanapkę? a) go straight on b) sell c) look right d) Can I have a sandwich, please? 12) Proszę bardzo a) turn right b) Here you are. c) Between d) behind 13) sprzedawać a) Look left b) straight on c) Can I have a sandwich, please? d) sell 14) spójrz w prawo a) Look left b) look right c) Between d) behind 15) pomiędzy a) stop b) cross the road c) Between d) straight on 16) naprzeciw a) cross the road b) go c) look right d) opposite 17) obok a) Here you are. b) next to c) cross the road d) turn right 18) za a) sell b) behind c) go straight on d) cross the road 19) przed a) in front of b) behind c) cross the road d) Be careful

Hello Explorer 2 - Unit 4 - część pierwsza - quiz


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