Physical change - A change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition which can be made by freezing, melting or boiling a substance., Chemical change - A change that occurs when one or more substances change into entirely new substances with different properties, Solubility - physical property describing the ability or inability to be dissolved, Dissolve - to become infused into a liquid to form a solution., Soluble - able to be dissolved, especially in water., Non soluble - not able to be dissolved, Solution - a special mixture that forms when one substance dissolves in another. Can be separated with special tools., Mixture - combination of 2 or more substances that keep their physical properties. Can be easily separated., Matter - Anything that has mass and takes up space, Mass - The amount of matter in an object; measured in grams or kilograms, Volume - The amount of space an object takes up, State of Matter - The classification of matter as a solid, liquid or gas, Density - The ability to sink or float, Condensate - Changing state of matter, from gas to liquid, Evaporate - Changing state of matter, from liquid to gas, Melt - Changing state of matter, solid to liquid, Freeze - Changing state of matter, liquid to solid, Solid - State of matter in which molecules are firm and stable in shape, Liquid - State of matter in which the substance will take the shape of the container, Gas - State of matter in which the molecules expand freely to fill any space available,

Changes in Matter Vocabulary Hangman

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