dangerous - vaarallinen, more dangerous - vaarallisempi, the most dangerous - vaarallisin, important - tärkeä, more important - tärkeämpi, the most important - tärkein, boring - tylsä, more boring - tylsempi, the most boring - tylsin, interesting - mielenkiintoinen, more interesting - mielenkiintoisempi, the most interesting - mielenkiintoisin, beautiful - kaunis, more beautiful - kauniimpi, the most beautiful - kaunein, handsome - komea, more handsome - komeampi, the most handsome - komein, serious - vakava, more serious - vakavampi, the most serious - vakavin, careful - varovainen, more careful - varovaisempi, the most careful - varovaisin, expensive - kallis, more expensive - kalliimpi, the most expensive - kallein, famous - kuuluisa, more famous - kuuluisampi, the most famous - kuuluisin, helpful - auttavainen, more helpful - auttavaisempi, the most helpful - auttavaisin, helpless - avuton, more helpless - avuttomampi, the most helpless - avuttomin, nervous - hermostunut, more nervous - hermostuneempi, the most nervous - hermostunein, mysterious - salaperäinen, more mysterious - salaperäisempi, the most mysterious - salaperäisin, excellent - erinomainen, more excellent - erinomaisempi, the most excellent - erinomaisin, fantastic - upea, more fantastic - upeampi, the most fantastic - upein,
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