1. When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? ~The Witches (Weird Sisters), scene 1, 2. When the hurlyburly’s done, when the battle’s lost and won. ~~The Witches (Weird Sisters), scene 1, 3. Fair is foul and foul is fair. ~~The Witches (Weird Sisters), scene 1, 4. What bloody man is that? ~Duncan, scene 2, 5. No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest. Go pronounce his present death. ~Duncan, scene 2, 6. A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come. ~Third Witch, scene 3, 7. So foul and fair a day I have not seen. ~Macbeth, scene 3, 8. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter. ~Third Witch, scene 3, 9. Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner. ~Banquo, scene 3, 10. Your children shall be kings. ~Macbeth, scene 3, 11. Oftentimes to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths. ~Banquo, scene 3, 12. If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me. ~Macbeth, scene 3, 13. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. ~Macbeth, scene 4, 14. Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness. ~Lady Macbeth, scene 5, 15. The raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan. ~Lady Macbeth, scene 5, 16. Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty; make thick my blood.~Lady Macbeth, scene 5, 17. Come thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of Hell. ~Lady Macbeth, scene 5, 18. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. ~Lady Macbeth, scene 5, 19. I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’ other side. ~Macbeth, scene 7, 20. I dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more is none. ~Macbeth, scene 7, 21. When you durst do it, then you were a man. ~Lady Macbeth, scene 7.

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