1) Её зовут Нина.  a) Her name is Nina. b) She is name Nina. c) Her call Nina. d) She name is Nina. 2) На тарелке нет торта. a) There is not cake on the plate. b) There are not cake on the plate. c) There is not a cake on the plate. d) On the plate is not a cake. 3) Их зовут Майк и Джесс. a) There names are Mike and Jess. b) Their names are Mike and Jess. c) Your names are Mike and Jess. d) Our names are Mike and Jess. 4) Эти книги мои. a) These books are mine. b) These books are my. c) These are mine books. d) These are my books. 5) В пенале Моники много карандашей? - Нет. a) In Monica's pencil-case are many pencils? - No, they aren't. b) There are many pencils in Monica's pencil-case? - No, there aren't. c) Are there many pencils in pencil-case Monica? - No. there aren't. d) Are there many pencils in Monica's pencil-case? - No, there aren't. 6) Они могут помочь своим родителям? - Да.  a) Can they help there parents? - Yes, they can. b) Can they help their parents? - Yes, they can. c) They can help their parents? - Yes, they can. d) Can they help their parents? - Yes, they are. 7) Как вас зовут? - Нас зовут Бен и Элис. a) What are your names? - Our names are Ben and Alice. b) What are your's names? - Our names are Ben and Alice. c) What are their names? - Their names are Ben and Alice. d) What are your name? - Our name are Ben and Alice. 8) У Эми новый учитель? - Да. a) Amy have got a new teacher? - Yes, she have. b) Has Amy a new teacher? - Yes, she has. c) Has Amy got a new teacher? - Yes, she has. d) Has Amy got new teacher? - Yes, she has. 9) Нового учителя Эми зовут мистер Браун. a) Amy' new teacher's name is Mr Brown. b) New teacher Amy's is Mr Brown. c) Amy's new teacher's name is Mr Brown. d) Amy new teacher's name is Mr Brown. 10) В нашем доме есть пять комнат. a) There are five rooms in our house. b) In our house there are five rooms. c) There are fife rooms in our house. d) We have in our house five rooms. 11) Тебя зовут Агния? - Да.  a) Is your name Agnia? - Yes, it is. b) Is your name Agnia? - Yes, I am. c) Is my name Agnia? - Yes, it is. d) Is your names Agnia? - Yes, it is. 12) Йен не умеет ездить на лошади. a) Ian can no ride a horse. b) Ian not can ride a horse. c) Can Ian not ride a horse. d) Ian can not ride a horse.  13) Как зовут твоего брата?  a) What your brother's name is? b) What's your brother's name? c) What's your brother is name? d) What your brother name? 14) Моя бабушка умеет печь вкусный апельсиновый пирог. a) My granny can make a tasty orange pie. b) My granddad can bake a tasty orange pie. c) My granny can make tasty orange pie. d) My granny can make a tasty orenge pie. 15) В Англии есть королева? - Да.  a) In England there is a queen? - Yes, there is. b) Is she a queen in England? - Yes, she is. c) Is there a queen in England? - Yes, there is. d) Is there queen in England? - Yes, there is. 16) Как зовут твою подругу? - Её зовут Лера. a) How is your friend's name? - Her name is Lera. b) What is your friend name? - Her name is Lera. c) What is your friends' name? - Her name is Lera. d) What is your friend's name? - Her name is Lera. 17) У тебя голубые глаза? - Нет. Мои глаза карие. a) Have you got blue eyes? - No, I haven't. My eyes are brown. b) Have you got blue eyes? - No, I haven't. I've got brown eyes. c) Have you got blue eye? - No, I haven't. My eyes are brown. d) Has you got blue eyes? - No, I hasn't. I've got brown eyes. 18) Чья эта игрушка? - Это игрушка Лизы. a) Whose toy this? - This is Lisa's toy. b) Whose toy is this? - This is Lisa's toy. c) Whose is toy this? - This is Lisa's toy. d) Whose toy is this? - This is toy Lisa's. 19) Те обезьянки очень милые! a) These monkeys are very cute! b) Those are monkeys very cute! c) That monkeys are very cute! d) Those monkeys are very cute! 20) У нас есть сыр? - Да. Он в холодильнике. a) Have we got a cheese? - Yes, we have. It is in the fridge. b) Have we got cheese? - Yes, we have. It is in the fridge. c) Have we got cheese? - Yes, we have. He is in the fridge. d) Has we got cheese? - Yes, we has. He is in the fridge.

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