1) I love... 2) Who is the wisest person I know? 3) What would I most like to achieve? 4) What’s the most important thing to me right now? 5) What do I hope for? 6) If I could achieve anything what would it be? 7) What makes a good life? 8) If I ruled the world, I would... 9) My favourite colour is... 10) My favourite time of years/season is... 11) What is my favourite tv show or movie? 12) I am most proud of... 13) If I could go back to any moment, I would go back to... 14) Things that bug me are... 15) What does it mean to find peace? 16) What makes me strong? 17) Who is the most compassionate person I know? 18) What do I hope people will remember about me? 19) What is the hardest thing to accept about myself? 20) What does forgiveness mean to me? 21) What makes a good friend? 22) Have I ever been let down? 23) The most important things to me are... 24) I think a lot about... 25) What is something that makes me unique? 26) I miss... 27) I am happiest and feel good when... 28) I get upset when... 29) What is something I want to learn? 30) What do I admire about other people? 31) Would I rather live 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past? 32) If I had unlimited confidence, how would I behave differently? 33) Would I rather meet my great grandchildren or great grandparents? 34) What is the biggest question I have about the future? 35) What is my favourite moment of the day? 36) What do you think parents have forgotten about being a kid? 37) What is my oldest possession? 38) Can you control your mind? 39) What is my favourite thing to do at recess and/or lunch time? 40) If I had three wishes what would they be? 41) What do I most like to do by myself? 42) What is my most used emoji? 43) If I could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of my life, what is it? 44) Is it okay to make mistakes?  45) What would be my dream job? 46) What is self-care to me? 47) What is my most hated food? 48) Is sadness a bad feeling? Are there good types of sadness and bad types of sadness? 49) When are emotions a problem? 50) Which do I prefer, blending in or standing out? 51) What does it mean to be seen or heard? 52) What is my favourite thing I like to do with my family? 53) What is something that has shaped who I am? 54) Who is someone I can ask for help?

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