internet - the extensive global system of connected computers that allows people to share information and communicate with each other, online - connected to internet, to surf the internet - to look at a series of websites on after the other, website - a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization, to browse - to look for and look at information on the internet, wifi - using radio or microwaves rather than wires to connect the internet, wifi hotspot - an area with an accessible wireless network, often a public place, internet connection - the link between a computer and the internet, social media - websites and computer programmes such as Facebook or Twitter that allow people to connect and share content online, viral - an image, video or piece of information that becomes very popular very quickly on internet, e-commerce - commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet, e-book - a book published in digital form and read on a computer or other dedicated electronic device,

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