1) зависимый от a) surgeon b) repetitive strain injury c) addicted to sth d) minor ailments 2) беспокойство a) minor ailments b) insomnia c) obsessive behaviour d) anxiety 3) глубоко дышать a) breathe deeply b) count calories c) overweight d) suffer from sth 4) циркуляция a) sleep disorder b) circulation c) excess weight d) obesity 5) заболевание a) condition b) sore elbow / wrist / thumb / hip c) obesity d) addicted to sth 6) считать калории a) drug addict b) excess weight c) joint pain d) count calories 7) лишать кого-то чего-то a) drug addict b) obsessive behaviour c) deprive sb of sth d) sore elbow / wrist / thumb / hip 8) диабет a) overweight b) eye strain / sore eyes c) diabetes d) breathe deeply 9) наркозависимый a) withdrawal symptoms b) joint pain c) drug addict d) diabetes 10) лишний вес a) excess weight b) repetitive strain injury c) obsessive behaviour d) sedentary lifestyle 11) напряжение на глаза / боль в глазах a) eye strain / sore eyes b) sore elbow / wrist / thumb / hip c) obesity d) take a deep breath 12) пульсометр a) weight gain b) heart rate monitor c) drug addict d) deprive sb of sth 13) высокое кровяное давление a) take a deep breath b) obesity c) repetitive strain injury d) high blood pressure 14) бессонница a) minor ailments b) take a deep breath c) count calories d) insomnia 15) боль в суставах a) obese b) circulation c) joint pain d) breathe deeply 16) легкое недомогание a) overweight b) minor ailments c) suffer from sth d) anxiety 17) с ожирением a) obese b) excess weight c) high blood pressure d) drug addict 18) ожирение a) obesity b) sedentary lifestyle c) withdrawal symptoms d) heart rate monitor 19) помешанный на чем-то a) sedentary lifestyle b) obsessed with sth c) obese d) count calories 20) навязчивое состояние a) withdrawal symptoms b) obsessed with sth c) deprive sb of sth d) obsessive behaviour 21) с лишним весом a) sore elbow / wrist / thumb / hip b) insomnia c) overweight d) weight gain 22) хроническое растяжение сухожилий травматического характера  a) obsessed with sth b) count calories c) drug addict d) repetitive strain injury 23) сидячий образ жизни a) sedentary lifestyle b) excess weight c) count calories d) heart rate monitor 24) нарушение сна a) sedentary lifestyle b) withdrawal symptoms c) sleep disorder d) minor ailments 25) боль в локте / запястье / большом пальце / бедре a) sleep disorder b) sore elbow / wrist / thumb / hip c) excess weight d) count calories 26) страдать от чего-то a) anxiety b) sedentary lifestyle c) suffer from sth d) insomnia 27) хирург a) obsessive behaviour b) surgeon c) suffer from sth d) sleep disorder 28) сделать глубокий вдох a) eye strain / sore eyes b) anxiety c) take a deep breath d) obese 29) набор веса a) joint pain b) addicted to sth c) weight gain d) high blood pressure 30) ломка, синдром отмены a) weight gain b) withdrawal symptoms c) suffer from sth d) drug addict

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