1) You look a little ____ today. Is something wrong? a) down b) disappointed 2) Natalie was very ____ when she found out that her best friend had been lying to her. a) upset b) horrified 3) You could see how ____ Helen was just by looking at the huge smile on her face. a) stunned b) thrilled 4) It's been a really long day. I'm absolutely ____! a) exhausted b) overjoyed 5) Many older people feel ____ when their children have left home. a) homesick b) lonely 6) I was ____ when I hear someone moving around downstairs. I was sure it was a burglar. a) scared stiff b) bewildered 7) Sue was ____ by all the support she got from her friends and colleagues when her mother passed away. a) overwhelmed b) devastated 8) My mum was very ____ when she learned how to swim at the age of 60. a) delighted b) proud 9) The candidate was ____ when the election results came through. She had thought she was going to lose. a) disappointed b) relieved 10) After the bomb went off, everyone was so ____ that nobody moved. a) stunned b) calm 11) Mike was ____ when Karen left him. She was the love of his life. a) devastated b) exhausted 12) I'm ____ the people I work with. They're always complaining. a) upset about b) fed up with 13) I felt very ____ when I told Susan that I couldn't go to her wedding. I'm sure she didn't believe me. a) disappointed b) guilty 14) James was ____ when he heard that his team wasn't in the playoffs on Saturday. a) desperate b) disappointed 15) I think Nora was ____ that I didn't invite her to my party. She's hardly spoken to me since. a) offended b) relieved


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