hot (explain) - having a high temperature, переполненный (многолюдный) (in Eng) - crowded (containing a lot of people), quickly (synonym) - fast, cheap (explain) - not expensive, making a lot of noise (adj) - noisy, not having a low temperature - hot, feeling relaxed  (in Russian) -  чувство расслабленности (comfortable), interesting (explain) - making you want to know more (not boring), Name 8 places - village,forest, river, market, mountain, hill, lake, building, Which is the (comfortable) way to get there? - What is the most comfortable way to get there?, Ты выглядишь лучше чем неделю назад - You look better today than week ago!, Which is the ________(good) hotel in the town? - Какой самый лучший отель в городе, Excuse me. Can you ___me the ____ to the station?  - Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the station?, Да. Езжайте прямо до автобусной остановки, затем поверните налево и проезжайте мимо школы. Затем поверните направо. Вы увидите, что справа находится почтовое отделение. Вы не сможете его пропустить. - Yes. Go straight on to the bus stop, then turn left and go past the school. Then turn right. You will see that there is a post office on the right. You can't miss it., Фильм часто хуже чем книга - A film is often worse than a book,

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