1) А rose ... as the emblem of England. a) is known b) knows 2) Тhe UK ... by four seas. a) washes b) is washed 3) The UK ... on only one land country - the Republic of Ireland. a) borders b) is bordered 4) The USA ... of 50 states. a) makes up b) is made up 5) English ... in many countries in the world. a) is spoken b) speaks 6) Belarus ... the territory of 207.6 thousand square kilometers. a) is occupied b) occupies 7) The English Channel ... the UK with France. a) links b) is linked 8) The British Isles ... by water. a) surrounded b) are surrounded 9) England ... from Scotland by the Cheviot Hills. a) separates b) is separated 10) The lakes of Scotland ... "lochs". a) call b) are called

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