1) ________________________ a plan to evac the humans from the hotels. a) basic b) coordinate c) element 2) What you're wearing on your feet don't meet safety ______________________. a) guidelines b) element c) coordinate 3) If you abide by the ________________________________, you are sure to succeed with the project. a) migrate b) guidelines c) coordinate 4) Many birds ______________________________ south for the winter. a) basic b) migrate c) guidelines 5) He ___________________________ from New York to Florida each winter. a) basic b) migrates c) coordinates 6) Here are a few ways to ____________________________ the event. a) surface b) contain c) coordinate 7) If there is a problem, it could probably have been dealt with by sentencing ______________________. a) guidelines b) coordinate c) basic 8) Use your imagination when choosing themes and layouts, and look for papers that ______________________ with the colors and images on the cards. a) migrate b) coordinate c) guidelines 9) The gas _____________________ a certain amount of hydrogen and oxides of carbon, also traces of nitrogen. a) basic b) contains c) coordinate 10) This last part ____________________________ some contingent of personal observation. a) coordinate b) contains c) migrate 11) People from the countryside are ______________ to the large cities in search of work. a) basic b) migrating c) guidelines 12) Each box ________________________ nine squares. a) coordinate b) migrate c) contains 13) The cave ___________________ the tombs of the Mayan people. a) surface b) contains c) migrate 14) He stood on the _______________________ of the moon. a) basic b) surface c) migrate 15) This table's ________________________ is smooth. a) coordinate b) migrate c) surface 16) The submarine finally came to the _______________________. a) coordinate b) surface c) contain 17) The pebble I threw skipped along the ____________________________ of the water. a) surface b) migrate c) pause 18) The song ___________ several secret messages. a) contained b) paused c) basic 19) There was a ________________________as the two eyed each other. a) pause b) basic c) contain 20) "No," Gabriel said after a long ________________________. a) contain b) migrate c) pause 21) We need each ____________________________ present. a) element b) coordinate c) contain 22) He concluded there was a major _____________________ he was missing. a) pause b) element 23) The only __________________ missing is the generator. a) migrate b) element c) pause

Whale Songs Vocabulary Sentences

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