Men withstand age better and remain attractive longer, Family is the most important thing in life, Only talented people can achieve success, Appearances are deceitful, Education is compulsory, school is not, On-line education is the only way of studying in future, Pupils should take part in making decisions about school problems, A university degree is a must for success in modern world, Learning foreign languages is a waste of time, Some people think that success in life is making a career only, Technical devices do more harm than good, It would be great for Russia to hold the summer Olympics. Everybody would benefit, even those who don't like sport, Chinese will replace English as an international language. This is inevitable as China has the biggest population and the fastest growing economy in the world, Many families spend their weekwnds in the zoos, watching wild animals. However, many people think it's cruel to keep animals in captivity, Recycling rubbish is the only way to save our planet, When you buy an animal as a pet, it is a responsibility for its life, Decorating of body with all sorts of tattoo designs, piercing and even under-skin implants is a part of modern fashion.

EGE Essay problems/Practise giving arguments quickly


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