1) Which character(s) do we meet first? a) Macbeth b) The witches c) Banquo 2) How many witches are there? a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 3) What is the name of the King at the beginning? a) Malcolm b) Donalbain c) Duncan 4) What title does Macbeth get after the battle? a) Thane of Cawdor b) Thane of Glamis c) Thane of Fife 5) What do the witches promise Banquo? a) He will be king b) His children will be kings c) His wife will be queen 6) Why doesn't Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself? a) He looked like her father b) She is scared of blood c) She secretly loves him 7) Who do the Macbeths frame for Duncan's murder? a) The porter b) Macduff c) The guards 8) What is the name of Banquo's son? a) Francis b) Fleance c) Franquo 9) What must happen for Macbeth to the killed? a) Birnam Forest must walk. b) Dunsinane Hill must move c) The castle must collapse 10) Who eventually kills Macbeth? a) Malcolm b) Macduff c) Banquo

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