1) In chapter 15, which character does Jim Hawkins get introduced to? a) Long John Silver b) Black Dog c) Ben Gunn d) Dr. Livesey 2) What did Jim Hawkins and Ben Gunn see fluttering at the end of chapter 15?  a) Butterfly b) Union Jack c) A Pirate flag d) A parrot 3) Who are the main characters in chapter 15? (Choose two answers) a) Squire Trelawney  & Long John Silver b) Jim Hawkins & Ben Gunn  c) Dr. Livesey & Hunter  4) Why is Ben in nearly as much danger as Jim if not more? a) Pirates are trying to kill him b) He is being hunted by cannibals c) Pirates are trying to steal his treasure d) Ben is being stalked 5) What is chapter 16 mostly about? a) Spy work b) Scary tale c) Adventure d) Thrill 6) When Dr. Livesey and Hunter go ashore, what do they find? a) A treasure chest b) A gigantic hole c) Stockade by the spring d) Parts of a sunken ship 7) Who joins the honest sailors at the end of chapter 16? a) Hunter b) Dr. Livesey c) Abraham Grey d) Captain Smollett 8) What is Captain Smollett worried about? a) He will be shot b) His ship is lost c) He lost his crew d) His treasure would be stolen 9) Why does Captain Smollett dislike the crew? a) The crew members have awkward characteristics b) They are pirates c) They are trying to steal his map d) They look ugly 10) The Hispanniola cannon symbolizes dangerous pirates. a) True b) False

Treasure Island (Chapters 15-16)

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