war hawk - someone who supports or favors war, sectionalism - loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole, isolationism - a national policy of avoiding involvement in world issues, embargo - a ban on trade with other nations, nationalism - a strong feeling of pride in one's country, factory system - production of goods in a factory through the use of machines and a large number of workers, acquire - to gain ownership of something, expansion - extending the nation beyond its existing borders, impressment - British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service, Missouri Compromise (1820) - Agreement that temporarily settled the issue of slavery in the new territories. A line that separated slave and non-slave areas of the new territory., Monroe Doctrine - a warning to European nations not to interfere or further colonize in the Western Hemisphere (Americas)., Treaty of Ghent - Treaty that ended the War of 1812, national security - the ability to keep the country safe from attack or harm, judicial review - Allows the courts to determine the constitutionality of laws. Power of the Supreme Court., migration - a movement from one country or region to another,

Unit 8 Vocabulary

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