1) John's granfather has just a heart... a) attack b) pain c) sore 2) John was... all night. He must have a stomach bug. a) sneezing b) vomitting c) blowing d) running e) breathing 3) I feel ... . I think I'm going to faint (упасть в обморок) a) dizzy b) aching c) breathing d) rash 4) Are you ill? Your voice sounds ... a) attack b) allergic c) hoarse d) caught 5) I think I've ... a cold. My nose won't stop ... and I've got ... muscles. a) caught, running, aching b) running, caught, aching c) caught, blowing, wheeze 6) I've got a strange ... on my arm. Maybe I've had a(n) ... reaction to something. a) sore, vomitting b) rash, allergic c) rash, running 7) He has asthma so running makes him ... a) wheeze b) allergic c) hoarse d) dizzy 8) I had difficulty ... after I run the race. a) breeding b) blowing c) breathing d) running 9) My nose is ... because I've been... it so much. a) pain, blowing b) sore, blowing c) sore, vomitting d) pain, breathless 10) My hay fever's (аллергический ринит) bad today. I can't stop ... a) sneezing b) breathing c) itchying d) slipping

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