When I bend over, my back hurts, I lift heavy boxes for my job, I carry 6 buckets of milk every day, I kneel down and pray twice a day, I think it is romantic to hold someone's hand, The students sit in a circle on the floor, Santa's sack was so heavy that he had to drag it on the ground, How high do you think a kangaroo can jump?, My mother always said: Look before you leap, I need to pick up my clothes because my room is very messy, They were fighting and he gave him a punch on the nose, My dog likes to pull the chain when we go for a walk, I dive in the pool whenever I go swimming, I push my trolley around the supermarket when I go shopping, Don't try to run before you can walk because everything will happen at the right time, The old farmer likes to lean on the fence when he gets tired, I squat for 30 minutes whenever I work out at the gym, Do ninjas really throw stars at people?, They walked across the room on tiptoe so the baby wouldn't wake up, I like to go for a walk after class to stretch my legs, The baseball player hit the ball outside of the park!, Stephen leapt up to catch the ball in one hand , I like going outside to kick the football around with friends, My puppy gives me a kiss every night before bed, Have you tried to clap with one hand?, I like to laugh every day with my friends because it keeps me feeling young , I think we should dance after every exam, If I stand for too long then my feet get tired, I get up early every morning to go for a jog, The soldiers march for 4 hours every day, I wave goodbye to my boyfriend when he leaves for work every day, I want to talk more in English with native speakers, Can you open the letter for me because my hands are too wet, I wanted to cartwheel across the grass but I hurt my back , I stretch my arms wide each morning to help myself wake up, In some cultures it is rude to point your finger at people, Be careful not to slip on the ice! It hurts!, Please keep the floor clean and tidy so you don't trip over anything, When I went shopping my mum always said: You can look, but don't touch, Sometimes I feel so lonely that I want to cry, When I am feeling tired I lie down and have a little sleep, Babies crawl everywhere because they don't know how to walk,

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