Restrictions and incentives are required for industry. - ... could be imposed on the level o f greenhouse emissions from factories, the quantities of packaging materials used, and the use o f non-renewable resources. ...such as grants and tax breaks could be introduced for the use o f recycled materials and renewable energy resources., People could take fewer long-distance holidays. - Non-essential ... could be limited to a figure such as 2,000 km per person per year. A substantial energy tax on ... fuel could be imposed to make long-distance air travel less attractive., Greener modes of transport should be promoted. - Campaigns could be devised to encourage more cycling. Electric trams could be introduced to replace buses and trains. Massive grant and tax incentives could be introduced for the design and production o f cars fueled by electric cells, hydrogen or bio-diesel., International agreements are required. - ... need to agree on things like the acceptable levels o f emission of greenhouse gases, and the proportion of recycling of industrial and household waste., Individuals should ensure that their houses or flats are energy-efficient. - Major savings in energy can be achieved through effective insulation, draught proofing, and the use of low-energy appliances. , Businesses need to take a broader view rather than just working for profit. - The hidden costs of waste, use of non-renewable resources, etc. need to be considered., We should buy fewer electrical labour-saving devices. - Dishwashers, washing machines and vacuum cleaners all use a considerable amount of energy; we could do without some of them and complete these jobs by hand., People should get out of their cars. - The alternatives such as walking, cycling and public transport are healthier and less polluting., The scientific evidence for climate change is unreliable and should not be believed, - Any scientifically proven increase in global temperatures could be part o f natural fluctuations. Such fluctuations have occurred throughout the history o f the planet., There’s no point in looking for a solution to this problem. It’s already too late. - Global warming is well underway, the planet is already unable to cope with the levels of greenhouse gases, which are continuing to rise, and the catastrophic results of this have already been shown by recent meteorological disasters around the globe. ,

Specific examples for making a statement about Climate Change and Global Warming

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