bend - to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation, to not be strict or exact about following the rule. Could you just .... the rule and let us in without a ticket?, comply - to obey rules, regulations. Failure to ... with the regulations will result in prosecution., regulations - official rules. Our company should comply with health ... ., commitment  - a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way. Our company has a strong ... to protecting natural lands. , by-product - an unplanned additional result of something that you do. Our business activity creates pollution as a ... ., donate - to give something to a person or an organization in order to help them. We ... our time and money to people in need., impact - the effect or influence. We should come up with practical solutions how to reduce our negative ... on the environment., deception - the act of deliberately making somebody believe something that is not true, prejudice - an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc., credibility - the quality that somebody/something has that makes people believe or trust them, greed - a strong desire for more wealth, possessions, power, etc. than a person needs, discriminatory - unfair; treating somebody or one group of people worse than others; ...practices / measures / rules,

BR_B2 Ethical business

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