pax - kiss of peace, demos - people (democracy - the people rule), kratos - strength (democracy - strength of the people), archon - ruler/leader (monarchy), Augustus - majestic, great (Emperor Augustus), pleb - lower class or common people (plebeians), pater - father (patricians - upper class Romans leaders in democratic government), colossus - huge, enormous (Colosseum), architecture - designing buildings, homes, cities, literature - book learning, philosophy - study of the basic ideas of knowledge, mosaic - a picture made with small pieces of hard materials like stone, tile, or glass, fresco - a painting done quickly on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, sculpture - make a form by carving or shaping out of stone, wood, metal, etc., dictator - a government ruler with total power - taken by force, assassination - to murder by sudden or secret attack - usually someone of importance, Roman Forum - main marketplace and business center, where Romans did their banking, trading, and shopping, Roman baths - a building with many rooms to relax and socialize including hot and cold pools, Roman Consuls - two highest positions of the Roman Senate in their democratic government, Roman Senate - a powerful advisory council of 300 upper class patricians in the Roman democratic government, Italian peninsula - land extending out in the sea & surrounded on 3 sides by water,

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