1) When I closed the door, I realised that I ___ my keys inside. a) left b) had left 2) She looked really sad but I didn't know what ___. a) happened b) had happened 3) ___ when you rang the doorbell? a) Did Sandy already leave  b) Had Sandy already left 4) By the time I moved in, they ___ the building work. a) finished b) had finished 5) I opened the door, and ___ inside. a) went b) had gone 6) By the time I could talk to her, she ___ to quit her job. a) decided b) had decided 7) I looked at the photo and I suddenly realised that I ___ the man before. a) saw b) had seen 8) First I ___ the salad, then I toasted the bread. a) made b) had made 9) ___ breakfast when you got up? a) Did James already cook b) Had James already cooked 10) She didn't feel like having another coffee as she ___ one. a) just had b) had just had 11) I asked Sara if she wanted to go for a walk, but she still ___ her homework. a) didn't finish b) hadn't finished 12) When I ____ home yesterday, I noticed that the dog ___. a) got /escaped b) got / had escaped 13) When Andy ___ the car, he noticed that the engine ___ a) started / had broken b) had started / broke 14) The exam _____________ difficult because the students ____________________ enough a) was / hadn't studied b) had been / studied

Past Perfect and Past Simple (22-23)

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