Mark Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colorblindness. This is why Facebook’s primary color scheme is blue. Blue is also strongly associated with trust and security, two concepts essential in getting people to voluntarily part with their personal information, The domain was bought on Valentine's Day, 2005. The first video was posted by co-founder Jawed Karim a little over two months later., The first photo ever posted was by the co-founder, @kevin on July 16, 2010. The photo is a picture of a dog. By the way, the most Instagrammed food is pizza, taking the lead in front of sushi and steak., Whatsapp has spent Zero Cash on marketing, PR and user acquisition, The famous blue Twitter bird is called Larry. Although Twitter’s beginnings were back in 2006, Larry’s name wasn’t actually confirmed until early 2012., In October 2013, Snapchat introduced Stories (which Facebook, Instagram, and many other social networks eventually latched onto and integrated into their platforms), which were available for 24 hours..


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