1) It used only when it is preceded by another negative word a) Nor b) Yet c) So d) And 2) "even" or "still" a) Nor b) Yet c) So d) And 3) It means "because" a) But b) For c) And d) Or 4) Connects related ideas a) But b) For c) And d) Or 5) The contestant was the smallest, _________ he won. a) And b) Yet c) So d) Or 6) I prefer playing basketball _______ watching volleyball games. a) And b) Yet c) So d) Or 7) Can you stay here ______ wait for him? a) And b) Yet c) So d) Or 8) He was driving too fast, ______ he missed the turn. a) And b) Yet c) So d) Or 9) I will be late for the party, ______ I will be having dinner with my parents first. a) Nor b) For c) Even d) But 10) Brian is neither brilliant _____ sane a) Nor b) For c) Even d) But 11) You can pay with cash, _______ you can use your credit card. a) Or b) And c) So d) Nor 12) I know the answer, _____ I can't tell you. a) Or b) And c) So d) But 13) You should be bathe always, ______ you would smell and look better. a) For b) And c) Or d) Yet 14) I am allergic to cats, ____ I have two of them. a) For b) And c) Or d) Yet 15) Should we go by train ____ take the bus? a) For b) And c) Or d) Yet

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