1) Are you reading the book? 2) Do you read the book? 3) Does he/she speak Portuguese? 4) Do you speak Japanese? 5) About how many pages are there in your book? 6) Can you read and write? 7) Do you like the cinema? 8) Do you deslike coffee? 9) Which hand is this? 10) Which hand is this? 11) Are all the parts of your body still now? 12) What clothes are you wearing? 13) Do we speak with our mouths? 14) How much in half of thirteen? 15) Tell me the name of the capital of Russia, please. 16) Are you Russian or Greek? 17) Which do you prefer: the cinema or television? 18) Are both of us sitting? 19) What does the word "hello" mean in Portuguese? 20) What do the words "thank you" mean in Portuguese? 21) Which language are we speaking now? 22) Is Germany an Asian country? 23) Have you got four arms? 24) Have we got only one mouth? 25) Are your eyes the same colour as my eyes? 26) Is there anybody in this room speaking English? 27) Is there anybody sitting in the floor? 28) Who´s speaking English in this room? 29) Who´s speaking Chinese in this room? 30) Do you like walking? 31) Is this Mrs Brown's suit? 32) Do you sit down before the lesson? 33) Can you touch the ceiling? 34) How much is a quarter of a thousand? 35) Are you teaching me English? 36) Do you like learning a language? 37) Is Chinese an easy language to learn? 38) Is there a map hanging on the wall? 39) Do you go home after the lesson by car, by bus ou do you walk home? 40) Are you married? 41) Has Mr Brown got a wife? 42) Has Mrs Brown got a husband? 43) What's your mother's name? 44) What's your father's name? 45) What's the plural of child? 46) What do we call the people in France? 47) What do people generally call their mother and father? 48) Are both these pencils red? 49) What kind of room is this? 50) What are you sitting on? 51) Where do you come from? 52) Tell me the names of the four cardinal points, please. 53) Tell me the names of some of the places you like in this country? 54) What's the opposite of tall? 55) What's the opposite of with? 56) Is the word "translation" a verb or a noun? 57) Do we speak French during the lesson? 58) Do all the people in Europe speak Spanish? 59) Is there anything on the table? 60) Are you wearing anything on your head? 61) What are you wearing on your head? 62) What's on the top of our heads? 63) Are my ears on the back of my head? 64) What do we smell with? 65) Has the table got any smell? 66) What's your address? 67) Are there many people in a small village? 68) Are there few people in a large city? 69) Are there few matches in a matchbox? 70) Do you think the people in your country are friendly? 71) What1's the difference between "into" and "in"?

Stage 2 Revision - p. 91

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