1 - Tell me how you think other people would describe you., 2 - What are your biggest weaknesses? , 3 - Do you prefer to work on a team or independently?, 4 - Have you ever had to resolve a conflict when working on a team?, 5 - What would you do if you had to complete a task you were unfamiliar with?, 6 - Tell me about the last time a co-worker got angry with you. What happened?, 7 - What do you consider your biggest professional achievement in life?, 8 - What can we expect from you in your first three months?, 9 - What skills do you hope to gain working in this job?, 10 - What are the company's highest-priority goals this year, and how would my role contribute?, 11 - What do you plan to do if the business fails?, 12 - How do you deal with failure?, 13 - What was your salary in your last job? , 14 - What are your biggest strengths?, 15 - What questions do you have for me?, 16 - Where do you see yourself five years from now?, 17 - Out of all the other candidates, why should we hire you?, 18 - Why do you want to leave your current job?, 19 - What professional goals have you set for yourself?, 20 - Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision. What did you do?, 21 - Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in six months., 22 - What do you like to do outside of work?, 23 - If you were to rank them, what are your top performers' three traits in common?, 24 - Tell me a little about yourself. Can you tell me about yourself that is not in your resume?, 25 - Did someone recommend you for this position? Who is he/she? or What percentage of employees was brought in by current employees?, 26 - What kind of work environment do you like best?, 27 - How do you handle working under pressure?, 28 - Why do you want this job?, 29 - How did you learn about the opening?, 30 - What kinds of extracurricular activities do you participate in?, 31 - What interests you about this job?, 32 - What do we expect from you to accomplish in the first 90 days?, 33 - What do you know about our company?, 34 - What drives results in this job?, 35 - What is your leadership style?,


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