Hot potato - a difficult issue or problem (idiom), A piece of cake - sth that is easy (idiom), Bread and butter - sth that provides the main income (idiom), go/sell like hot cakes - selling large amount very quickly (idiom), A bad egg - a bad person (idiom), As cool as cucumber - being remarkably calm and composed (idiom), As easy as pie - very easy (idiom), Crying over spilt milk - there is no point in being upset about the incident that cannot be reversed(idiom), My cup of tea - sth I generally like (idiom), An apple a day keeps the doctor away - if you eat healthily you won't become ill (saying), You can’t have your cake and eat it - you can't have things both ways (saying), Too many cooks spoil the broth - a task is not done well when too many people are involved (saying), Eating your words - publicly accepting that you have said sth wrong (idiom), Be Full of beans - have a lot of enthusiasm (idiom), Having a finger in every pie - involved in many things (idiom),

Idioms and sayings about food (Spl-7_M9d)

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