1) why deforestation occurs? a) by fires b) Why an animal has fallen c) por el lanzamiento de nuevas tecnologías 2) what is called deforestation? a) to the extinction of fauna and flora in certain large areas b) to the resurrection of forests and plants c) to the fall of an accelerating body 3) how does it affect? a) the machines b) animals, life and the population c) to the free development of expression 4) what is its relationship with climate change? a) lack of water and oxygen affects climates and seasons b) there are no more nuts c) there is no more internet 5) how does deforestation affect the aconomy? a) because there are no more nuts b) facebook shares fall c) serial deforestation affects the economy since the soil becomes a vacant lot, which if no precedent ends with the most vital thing that is water 6) how does deforestation help? a) new places for new business premises b) life is reborn bigger and stronger c) animals leave their habitats 7) wich countries hace more deforestation? a) paraguay b) malacia c) Camboya 8) what is the name of the processcaused by the action of humans in which the forest surface in distroyed or depleted? a) deforestation b) forestation c) window 9) what are the areas most affected by deforestation in colombia? a) meta b) la guajira c) madellin 10) what is teh lost when deforestation occurs? a) habitads b) houses of humans c) central parks

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