1) Tema penguatan budaya pada Milestone 2 adalah… a) Go To Market b) Drive Synergy, Perform Operational Excellence, Strenghten Our Existence in Business Ecosystem c) Penurunan BPP dan Peningkatan Revenue d) Digital & Business Mindset 2) Dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan fokus penguatan budaya di Milestone 2 adalah a) Perform Collaboration within Business Ecosystem to Grow Business & Revenue b) Joint capabilities to strengthen PJB as Digital & Zero Accident Power Plant c) Build stronger communication alignment & GRC Culture d) Business Ecosystem 3) Tema Budaya PLN SATU pada Milestone 2 adalah… a) GRC Culture b) Go To Market c) Digital & Business Mindset d) Business Ecosystem 4) Program PLN SATU terdiri dari… a) PJB JARKOM b) PJB Aman Total Patrol c) PJB JARKOM & PJB Aman Total Patrol d) PJB Ranger 5) Tema Budaya PLN DUA pada Milestone 2 adalah… a) Digital & Business Mindset b) Collaboration & Performance Culture c) Customer Focused d) Business Ecosystem 6) Program PLN DUA terdiri dari… a) PJB JARKOM b) PJB Aman Total Patrol c) PJB Ranger d) PJB Data Science Club for Digital Power Plant & Collaboration For SOKET Implementation 7) Tema Budaya PLN TIGA pada Milestone 2 adalah… a) GRC Culture b) Go To Market c) Service Culture / Customer Focused d) Collaboration & Performance Culture 8) Program PLN TIGA terdiri dari… a) PJB JARKOM b) PJB Aman Total Patrol c) Relations Investment & PJB Ranger Business & Digital Experiential Learning (BIDEX) d) PJB Data Science Club for Digital Power Plant & Collaboration For SOKET Implementation 9) Dibawah ini merupakan 3 Breakthrough PLN yang sudah menjadi Business as Usual, kecuali… a) Digital Powerplant b) Captive Power c) Investment Prioritization (Short Term & Long Term) d) Implement RJP 2019-2024 (5GW) 10) Yang bukan merupakan 3 Breakthrough baru dalam Transformasi PLN adalah… a) Anti Blackout b) Integrated Supply Chain Excellence c) Material Return and Warehouse Inventory d) Environmental, Social & Governance

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