How many seats do you need?- Six. - Kia hia ngā tūru? - Kia ono., I reckon we need six. But there are two already at the marae. So we need four more. - Kia ono pea. Engari kei te marae ētahi e rua. Nō reira, kia whā atu anō., How many sugars would you like? - Two please. - Kia hia ngā huka? Kia rua koa., What did you guys (3 or more) get up to yesterday? - He aha tā koutou mahi inanahi nei?, Make me a cup of tea please. - Tēnā mahia mai he tī māku., Can you please grab us some chocolate. - Tēnā tīkina he tiakarete mā tātou, Never mind (taking) your umbrella. It isn’t going to rain today. - Hei aha tō hamarara. E kore e ua i tēnei rā., Never mind those ones over there. Use these ones. - Hei aha ērā. Whakamahia ko ēnei., Is it okay if I leave at four this afternoon? - Ka pai taku wehe ā te whā i tēnei ahiahi?, Would you mind dropping my son off here after practice? - Ka pai tā kōrua whakahoki mai i taku tama ina mutu te whakawai?, Could you remind me a little closer to the day? - Ka pai tō whakamaumahara i a au ina tata atu ki te rā?, Could you possibly buy me a new cellphone, Mum…? - Ka pai anō tō hoko waea pūkoro hou māku, e Mā?, Let us not decide what to do just yet. (Wait) until we hear all of the relevant information. - Taihoa tātou e whakatau me aha. Kia rongo tātou i ngā kōrero katoa., Let’s not throw accusations around just yet. - Taihoa tātou e whakapae., When will you pop in? On Monday morning. - Āwhea koe peka mai ai? – Ā te ata o te Mane, When will you cut the grass/lawn? - Āwhea koe tapahi ai i te pātītī?,

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