Why is there something rather than nothing?, Is our universe real?, Do we have free will?, Does God exist?, Is there life after death?, Can you really experience anything objectively?, What is the best moral system?, Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?, Is there a perfect life?, Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?, What is true friendship?, Does evil come from within, and if so why?, Is it easier to love or to be loved?, Are people in this current generation less or more sensitive than people from past generations?, Do numbers in a bank account make people happy?, Are highly intelligent people less happy than individuals with average intelligence?, Is there an absolute way to attain a happy state of mind?, Does living your life for others make your life have meaning?, Do atheists make their own gods?, Why does God not intervene when evil takes root in people?, Do parallel universes exist?, How does one find purpose in life?, Will racism cease to exist?, What is the meaning of true love?, What’s more important: doing the right thing or doing things right?, Will technological advances wipe out humanity?, Do ghosts and spirits of our deceased loved ones exist, or are they only mental projections?, How do you properly say goodbye to someone that has died?, Would you break the law to save someone you love?, Are clowns funny or scary?,

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