Accessible - From the beginning, when God made Adam and Eve, He was near to them. He is near in the most intimate way possible: His Spirit lives in every believer. Whenever we pray, He hears us., Faithful - God always keeps His promises. Everything He does is right and true., Good - God sustains and cares for all His creation and provides for people in need. God offers hope, care, and refuge to all who will come to Him, and He never leaves His children., Holy - Means “set apart.” Nothing in all of creation compares to God because He is perfectly good, righteous, whole, and without need of anyone or anything., Impartial - God does not love one people group more than another. God loves every person He has made. God offers salvation to people regardless of what they have done or what they will do., Jealous - God does not feel insecure about His relationship with His children. Instead, God has a protective love and righteous anger toward His people when they choose to give Him little time and attention., Just - His decisions are always based on His righteous character. God does not show favoritism. Every penalty will be fair and right. , Love - God has always been ____. Before God created the world, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit _____ one another. God’s ____ never fails; it endures forever. God _____ all people., Merciful - God does not give His people what their sin deserves. God makes His gospel known in places where people have turned their backs on Him., Omnipotent (all-powerful) - God has unlimited power, authority, and influence. He does all He wants and plans to do., Patient - God demonstrates His ________ by delaying His final judgment of sin. God _________ offers forgiveness and hope to those who repent of their sin and trust in Jesus as Lord, Perfect - Everything God is, does, and says is flawless. Since what He says is without error and true, and since the Holy Spirit guided the people who wrote the Bible, God’s words in Scripture are true. , Person - God is not an idea or an impersonal force. He has an identity and personality. He is one Being in three persons. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and all work together to accomplish our salvation., Preserver - Jesus promises that no one can take you out of God’s hand. No temptation, no failure, no person, not even Satan can cause God’s children to lose their salvation., Provider - God supplies us with what we need to accomplish the work He has for us., Righteous - God is right in all He does. He is always perfect, fair, just, and faithful. We can trust God when we do not understand His ways., Savior - We are all sinners who are powerless to protect ourselves from our powerful enemies — sin, death, and Satan – but we can call out to God and be saved., Sovereign - He is in control of all things. Nothing is outside of God’s wise control.,

MS Lesson 29 Live Differently: God Is...

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