1) 1. - Why ... (be) Billy so naughty? a) is b) be c) are 2) - He ... (be) tired. a) be b) is c) are 3) 2. - Why ... (you/taste) the soup? a) are tasting b) taste c) do you taste 4) - I think it ... (taste) a bit funny. a) is tasting b) tastes 5) 3. - It ... (look) like their car has broken down again. a) looks b) is looking 6) - Yes. They ... (look) for a new one at the moment. a) look b) are looking 7) 4. - What ..... (you/think) of Ann? a) do you think b) are you thinking 8) - She’s cool! I ..... (think) of inviting her to my party. a) think b) am thinking 9) 5. - Why ... (be) you in such a hurry? a) are b) is c) be 10) - I’m worried. My exam ... (start) in ten minutes. a) starts b) is starting 11) 6. - I ... (think) of changing school. a) am thinking b) think 12) - I ... (not/think) it’s a good idea. You'll be lonely. a) don't think b) 'm not thinking 13) 7. - Why ... (you/be) angry? a) are b) is c) be 14) - My sister ... (always/take) my clothes. a) takes b) is taking 15) 8. - Tom ... (look) very stressed. a) looks b) is looking 16) - Yes. He ... (study) a lot these days. a) studies b) is studying 17) 9. - Why ... (you/leave) now? a) are you leaving b) do you leave 18) - My train ... (leave) in an hour. a) leaves b) is leaving 19) 10. - Hi, Sue. ... (you/enjoy) your trip to New York? a) Do you enjoy b) Are you enjoying 20) - Yes, I ... (have) a wonderful time here. I really like the hustle and bustle of the crowded streets. a) am having b) have

Present Simple or Present Continuous. Stative Verbs

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