punctual - When somebody is always on time for work, we say that they are ________., clock off - When you record the time you leave work by putting a card into a special machine, you ________, double - A time for which work is paid at twice the normal rate (for example, at weekends or on public holidays is called ........, transfer - The act of changing an employee's shift or working hours is called shift ________., regulations - In Britain, parents who have children under 6, or disabled children under 18, have a legal right to have their working hours arranged to help them with their responsibilities. This right is known as Flexible Work ............., time-keeping - ________-________ is the fact of being on time for work (for example, He was warned for bad.......-.........), allowed - ________ time is paid time which the management agrees an employee can spend on rest, cleaning or meals, not working., half - Time and a ________ is the normal rate of pay plus 50% extra (for example, when an employee does overtime or works evenings)., graveyard - The ________ shift is an informal expression for the night shift., differentials - Shift ________ are payments made to an employee in addition to their basic pay to compensate them for the inconvenience of the pattern of shift work., roster - A duty ________ is a list of times showing when each employee is on duty at those times., entitlement - ________ is a person's right to something (for example, for a paid holiday, for a minimum of 30 minutes for lunch, for paid sick leave, etc), overtime - Hours worked more than the normal working hours are called ________., fixed - If a company does not operate a flexible time system, we say that the employees work ________hours., rotating - ________ shifts refers to a system where employees take turns in working different shifts., twilight - The ________ shift is another name for the evening shift, just before it gets dark., job-share - ________-________ is a form of employment in which two or more people share a single job, each person working part-time., homeworking - ________ is a working method where employees work at home on computer terminals, and send the finished material back to the office by email., full - Employees who work ________-time work for the normal working time (i.e. about 8 hours a day 5 days a week)., part - Employees who work ________-time do not work for the whole working week (for example, they might only work 4 hours a day instead of 8), flexileader - A company or organisation that puts a lot of emphasis on flexibility in its employment practices is known informally as a ________., unsocial - An employee who works ________ hours works at times such as in the evening, at night or during public holidays when most people are not at work., core - ________ time is a period when employees working under a flexible time system must be present at work., flexilagger - A company of organisation that puts too little emphasis on flexibility in its working practices is known informally as a ________., flexitime - ________ is a short form of the expression flexible time., sheet - A time ________ is a record of when employees arrive at and leave work, or one which shows how much time an employee spends on different jobs each day., rotation - When an employee is moved systematically from one job to another, this is known as job.........,

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