After the fire, the police discovered who the arsonist was by examining his ____ ____ . CO2 is a ____ ____ , so it causes global warming. My sister is going to get a ____ ____ job while she’s at university. The policeman was pleased when he found the ____ ____ in the bin – it was an important clue. You should take your luggage to the ____ ____ when you get to the airport. I don’t think we should burn ____ ____ any more – it’s bad for the environment. It was very hot in Dubai and my dad got bad ____ ____ on his face. I lost my ____ ____ at the airport, so I couldn't get onto the plane. In the future, ____ ____ like solar power will be used more, and we won't burn fossil fuels. You must wear a ____ ____ when you’re travelling in a car. After the police found out what had been stolen, they started a ____ ____. My teacher told us that the polar ____ ____ are melting because of global warming.

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