system - a group of interacting parts, with each piece influencing the behavior of the whole, biosphere - the parts of Earth in which organisms are able to live, geosphere - all the rock, sand, and soil on Earth including at the surface and deep underground, hydrosphere - all of the water on Earth, atmosphere - the envelope of air that surrounds the solid Earth, weather - the condition of the atmosphere in a certain place at a specific time, aerosol - tiny liquid and solid particles suspended in the atmosphere, stratosphere - the layer of the atmosphere above the troposphere, troposphere - the thin layer of atmosphere that is closest to Earth's surface where weather occurs, wind - air that is moving from a region of higher pressure to a region of lower pressure, anemometer - a tool used to measure wind speed, density - a property of matter that is equal to the amount of mass in a certain volume of matter, atmospheric pressure - the weight of the air pushing down on an area, sea level - the elevation of the land surface where the atmosphere meets the ocean, barometer - a tool used to measure atmospheric pressure, convection cell - a circulation of matter, such as air, caused by constantly rising warm matter and falling cool matter, prototype - a working model of a design solution that can be used for testing and refining the design,

Weather and Climate L1/L4 Vocabulary

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