Local Area Network (LAN) - When multiple devices are connected in a localised area such as a building, house or similar., Wide Area Network (WAN) - When multiple LANs are connected in over a wide area such as the internet., Define - To explain and describe the meaning and exact limits of something, Decompose - In Technologies, decompose means to separate a complex problem into parts to allow it to be more easily understood;, Peripheral Device - A device that is external to a computer and connected either via a wireless network or a cable. A peripheral device is designed as a computer component that is not part of the essential computer. The three categories of peripheral devices are: Input Devices, Output Devices & Secondary Storage Devices., Input Device - Any hardware device that sends data to a computer., Output Device - A piece of hardware that is used to display or output data which has been processed or has been stored on the computer., Secondary Storage Device - A type of hardware that stores data externally from the computer’s main memory. They are most commonly used to back data up or to transfer information from one computer to another., Flow Chart - A pictorial method for describing a procedure or algorithm., Algorithm - An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem.,

Year 7 DigiTech - Definitions

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