Siddhartha Gautama was born into a royal family in ____ and for many years lived in the ____. He did not know the sufferings of life such as old age, illness and ____. He never saw them! Siddhartha married, had ____ and decided it was time to go outside. He saw an old man, a sick man and the corpse of a dead man. He learned that sickness, age and death comes to everyone, even if you are rich. Then Siddhartha saw a monk dressed in bad clothes with a begging bowl in his hand. The monk had nothing but he looked so calm and at peace. Siddhartha was ____ and started thinking about it. He sat under the tree and started ____. He thought about the past, present, future and many other things. After some time he understood there was a way for people to end their pain and sadness. At this moment he became wise and enlightened. He began to teach people about what he had understood and people began to call him ____ or ‘teacher’. The Buddha said that all suffering comes from desires. And if we fight all our desires, we will become peaceful and our suffering will end. This state is called ____.

Life of the Buddha

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