1) She_________ in London all her life. a) lived b) has lived 2) I ______him three times this morning. a) have called b) called 3) I_______ a new job 3 months ago. a) have found b) found 4) Look at the car. Sam_______ it. a) has washed b) washed 5) Janet _______ me twice yesterday's morning. a) has called b) called 6) I ______ a racing car last summer. a) drove b) have driven 7) We_________to the theatre twice last spring. a) have gone b) went 8) We________ to the theatre many times. a) have been b) were 9) I_________ my Toyota 2 weeks ago. a) sold b) have sold. 10) I have __________ a luxurious hotel for us in Thailand. a) choosen b) chosen c) chusen 11) Have you ever ___________ about moving farther from the city? a) thinked b) thouht c) thought 12) He has ________ three poems this year. a) writen b) wrote c) written 13) I have never _____ such an awesome place before! a) sean b) seen c) sin

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