What do you think are the typical characteristics of people from our country? , What do you think are the elements that give you a sense of identify?, what did you use to do when you were a child? , If you could go back in time in your life, what time would you like to visit? why? , Does your family have any traditions or rituals? , Do you use social media? Which one? , How has technology changed our lives? , What effects has globalization had in our life?, In what ways can we support social business? , Would you like to be famous? Why? Why not?, What are some of the ways of becoming famous? Give examples with famous people. , What are some of the advantages or disadvantages of being famous?, If you were a celebrity, which humanitarian work would you do? , What is happiness? Do you think money can buy happiness? , Do you think material wealth is important to be happy in life?, What do you think is the biggest environment issue in Mendoza? How can you solve it?, In your opinion, what do you think people can do to protect the environment? , What make you who you are? , Is there anyone that you look up to? Why?  , Why do you think life can be compared to the ocean? , Is happiness relative? Why? , Do you think celebrities do humanitarian work because they like to help or for publicity? Why? .

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