1) By the time we --- the restaurant, all the guests ---. a) reached / had left b) had reached / left 2) We --- him just after he --- news of being fired from the company. a) met / had got b) had met / got 3) They --- dinner when we ---. a) finished / had arrived b) had finished / arrived 4) Why --- to bed after they --- dinner?  a) didn't children go / had eaten b) hadn't children gone / had 5) Bruno --- his glasses because his little sister --- them. a) repaired / had broken b) had repaired / broke 6) She --- all her money before her father ---.   a) spent / had come b) had spent / came 7) Your letter --- five minutes after he ---. a) came / had left b) had come / left 8) Julia --- Ted for the flowers he --- her.  a) thanked / had sent b) had thanked / sent 9) After we --- writing, we --- in the garden.  a) finished / had played b) had finished / played 10) We --- the door because we --- our keys. a) didn’t open / had lost b) hadn’t opened / lost 11) She --- to cry when the lights --- out. a) began / had gone b) had begun / went 12) By the time I --- Emily, she --- her studies. a) met / had finished b) had met / finished

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