1) What's your biggest fear? 2) What's a secret you've never told anyone? 3) What is the biggest lie you've ever told? 4) Do you have a hidden talent? 5) Have you ever cheated on someone? 6) What's the worst date you've been on? 7) What's your biggest insecurity? 8) Have you ever lied to get out of an awkward date? 9) If you could reincarnate in someone else’s body, who would you want to become? 10) Who was the last person you searched on Instagram? 11) What is the last text you sent? 12) What's the most trouble you've been in? 13) What about yourself are you most proud of? 14) What would you get a tattoo of if you could get one right now? 15) What is your love language? 16) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? 17) What is the last thing you Googled? 18) Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? 19) If you could have any career in the world, what would it be? 20) Do you believe in ghosts? 21) Are you scared of getting older? 22) What is the strangest food combination that you love? 23) What's your biggest regret? 24) What is a comfort movie or television show? 25) What do you think people misunderstand about you?

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