Pillory - a wooden frame with holes for head and hands used as a punishment, Squire - a man in service to a knight or becoming a knight, Apothecary - a person who prepared and sold medicines, pilgrimage - journey to a holy site, Black Death - a killer disease that wiped out million people in Europe, Pneumonic - The plague that carried in the air, Trepanning - Drilling a hole in a patient's head to cure their headache, Chancellor - The most important position in England after the King; involved sending out royal letters and charters, Constable - a man in charge of a group of watchmen, Trial by Ordeal - a way of letting God decide whether someone is innocent or guilty, Crusade - a series of journeys to take the Holy Land from the Muslims, Dowry - Money that the bride's family give to her husband when she marries or to a nunnery if she becomes a nun, Excommunicated - when someone has been officially excluded from the Christian church, Great Council - A group including the king advisors an barons, Jury - a group of people who decide whether someone is innocent or guilty, Magna Carta - a document sign by King John in 1215, Hundred years war - a series of battles between England and France began in 1337, Page - a boy who start his training to become a knight, Tithing - a group of 10 people who responsible for each other behaviour, Peasants' Revolt - An uprising lead by Wat Tyler in 1381,

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