1) How many Surahs in the Holy Qur’an begins with the letters of unknown meaning called “Muqat-tat”? a) 29 b) 30 c) 31 2) At how many points in the Holy Quran prostration (Sajda) is necessary? a) 15 points (4-Wajib & 11-Mustahab) b) 16 points (4-Wajib & 12- Mustahab) c) 17 points (5-Wajib & 12- Mustahab) 3) In the Holy Qur’an, what other names are given to the city of Makkah? a) Ummul Qura b) Bakkah (3/96) & Balad-el-Ameen (95/3) c) Makkah 4) Which Prophet spoke to the public when he was a newborn baby? a) Prophet Nuh (a.s) b) Prophet Musa (a.s) c) Prophet Isa (a.s) (5/110) 5) Which Prophet saw in a dream, 11 stars, the sun and the moon prostrating before him? a) Prophet Yousuf (a.s) (12/4) b) Prophet Ayub (a.s) c) Prophet Ibraheem (a.s) 6) Which two Prophets (father and son) were both kings and prophets in their lifetime? a) Prophet Dawood & Sulaiman b) Prophet Yaqoob & Yousuf. c) Prophet Ibrahim & Ismail 7) Which Prophet was blessed with a melodious voice? a) Prophet Dawood (a.s) (34/10) b) Prophet Ibraheem (a.s) c) Prophet Yousuf (a.s) 8) What does it mean by 30/56 as a reference to an Ayah in Qur’an? a) Para 30/ Ayat 56 b) Ayat 56/Sura 30 c) Sura 30/Ayat 56 9) What is the other name of the prophet Younus mentioned in the Quran? a) Yajuj (18/94) b) Zannun (21/87) c) Marut (2/102) 10) What is the subject of Surah Al Feel # 105? a) The grate Flood of Nuha b) Abraha’s attack on Kaa’ba c) Conquer of Makkah

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