1) I ................to work when I ............... the accident a) drove, saw b) drove, was seeing c) was driving, saw d) was driving, was seeing 2) I ............... my leg while I ................ a) was breaking, was skiing b) broke, skied c) was breaking, skiied d) broke, was skiing 3) The doorbell ------------ while I ................ dinner. a) rang, was having b) rang, had c) was ringing, was having 4) The train ........... at the station and the passengers ................... a) was arriving, was getting on b) was arriving, were getting on c) was arriving, got on d) arrived, got on 5) He ................ shopping and he .................... a bag. a) was going, carried b) was going, was carrying c) were going, were carrying d) went, carried 6) Where .............Jane .............. when she................ her husband? a) was....living, met b) were .....living, were meeting c) was .........living, was meeting d) were ......living,met 7) Jack ................ into his room when he .................over. a) climbed, fell b) was climbing, fall c) was climbing, fell d) was climbing, was falling 8) I ................... but the police ................ me a fine. a) weren't speeding, were giving b) wasn't speeding, were giving c) weren't speeding, gave d) wasn't speeding, gave 9) I --------------- asleep ............. I was reading. a) fall, when b) fell, while c) fell, when d) was falling, when 10) The TV ............. on but nobody................. it. a) was, was watching b) was, watched c) were, was watching d) were, watched 11) I ........... my friend while I was walking home, so I .............. to ........... to her. a) met, stopped, talking b) was meeting, was stopping, talk c) was meeting, stopped, talk d) met, stopped, talk 12) The boy ...............the ball high and it ............. the window. a) kicked, was hitting b) kicked, were hitting c) kicked, hit 13) What .......................when the delivery man .........? a) were you doing, was coming b) were you did, came c) were you doing, came d) was you doing, was coming 14) She .............vegetables when she ........ her finger. a) were chopping, cut b) was chopping, cut c) chopped, cut d) chopped, was cutting

L3 Wk 9 Past Simple Vs Past Continuous

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