I was ____ through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle. 我正在____時尚雜誌尋找新髮型。 He lacks the ____ skills for the job. 他缺乏這份工作所____的技能。 We really ought to leave ____. 我們真的應該____離開 She was ____ hired as a tour guide. 她____被聘為導遊。 Several ____ of clothing lay on the floor. 地板上放著幾件衣服 Can you____ where I could buy a dozen roses? 你能____我在哪裡可以買到一打玫瑰嗎? Is this film ____ for small children? 這部電影____小孩子看嗎? She ____ a love letter from her boyfriend. 她____一封男朋友的情書。


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